Simulation report
Technical information
General information
Name: Frizzled-6 modeled from human smoothened receptor (apoform)
Description: Modeled from PDB id 6OT0.
Submitted by: Schulte lab, Karolinska Institutet
System setup
Solvent type: TIP3P
Membrane type: Homogeneous
Membrane composition: POPC
Ionic composition: Sodium ion (517 mM), Chloride (572 mM)
Number of molecules:
Water: 10000
POPC: 300
Chloride: 103
Sodium ion: 93
Smothened agonist: 1
Frizzled-6: 1
Total number of atoms: 149361
Simulation details
Software and version: GROMACS, 2019.2
Forcefield and version: CHARMM36, GAFF2, CHARMM36, GAFF2
Time step : 2.0 fs
Delta : 0.3 ns
Replicates: 4
Accumulated simulation time: 1.2507000000000001 µs
Additonal parameters: Available at "Simulation protocol & starting files"
Ainoleena Turku; Hannes Schihada; Pawel Kozielewicz; Carl-Fredrik Bowin; Gunnar Schulte. 2021. Residue 6.43 defines receptor function in class F GPCRs. Nature communications 12 (1). doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-24004-z. (
Find a list of all simulations published in this paper: GPCRmd publication id 1473