General information
Name: Fully-glycosylated S protein (head) in open-open-closed state in complex with antibody c002
Included proteins: Spike
Uniprot ID: P0DTC2
Species: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (2019-nCoV) (SARS-CoV-2)
Submitted by: Lehigh University, Bethlehem (CHARMM-GUI)
Submission date: May 20, 2021
System setup
Ligands: None
Membrane composition: None
Solvent type: TIP3P (water was filtered out of the simulation output)
Total number of atoms: 75069
Simulation details
Software and version: GROMACS 2018.6
Forcefield and version: CHARMM36(m) -
Time step : 4.0 fs
Delta : 1.0 ns
Replicates: 1
Accumulated simulation time: 0.5210 µs
Cao, Y.; Choi, Y.K.; Frank, M.; Woo, H.; Park, S.-J.; Yeom, M.S.; Seok, C.; Im, W. Dynamic Interactions of Fully Glycosylated SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein with Various Antibodies. bioRxiv 2021, 2021.05.10.443519. DOI: 10.1101/2021.05.10.443519
Visualization and trajectory sharing powered by NGL Viewer and MDsrv.
The interaction network has been generated using Flare Plots, powered by R. Fonseca and A. J. Venkatakrishnan.
Site of interest
Region of interest
Coiled-coil region
Domain of interest